Social life affected by disability

Disability and its effects on my social life 

Over the course of these past nine years of being a quadriplegic and a member of the disability community I have seen, experienced, and learned so much of what goes on in the lives of people with disabilities. I personally know what it feels like to be physically limited among many other things. This has caused an enormous shift in perspective and a greater appreciation for all that I have in life, and all that I am able to do.

Being disabled is difficult both physically and mentally. It comes with many challenges that at times may feel overwhelming. Every day comes with different struggles and obstacles to overcome. A disability is a life changing condition. For many people it can limit you from doing just about everything a healthy person is able to do. It affects lifestyle in countless ways. I have found that disability can affect our social life significantly which at times can lead to anxiety, loneliness, and in some cases depression.

 Disability makes it much more difficult to have a normal social life as you are limited from going out and engaging in social activities. For many people who live with a disability it means that they depend on someone else for everything. For instance, I can’t just get out of bed and do whatever I want to do. I rely on someone else to help me do every single daily task that the majority of people take for granted. This often leads to not being able to take part in social activities. Having a great support system that is willing to be there for you 24-7 is a luxury that not everyone has the privilege of having.

I am very fortunate because despite all the limitations that come with my disability, my family has made sure that I get to experience the most out of life and be as socially active as possible.

I understand how blessed I am in that aspect of my life, which is why I want to bring awareness to this topic. A healthy social life for many who are physically limited can be a difficult thing to have. Unfortunately, disability comes with many obstacles that makes it hard to not feel lonely or hopeless at times.

The challenges that many people with disabilities face

For many people it is extremely difficult to find a way to go out and meet people. To enjoy all that life has to offer. They don’t have access to transportation and assistance. Transportation can be difficult to find especially for people with disabilities. Sometimes the vehicles simply are not accessible and don’t have the accommodations needed. Not only is it not very accessible, but it can become very expensive to buy the adaptive equipment needed.

There is also a lack of resources for the disability community both economically and informationally. It’s not always easy finding the resources needed. There is not enough awareness for programs that could benefit this community. I want to believe that there are many people and programs out there that wish to help our community, but unfortunately the people that need these services are not made aware of what is available. 

Aside from the under-representation of the disability community I have come to realize that people with disabilities like myself can sometimes be afraid to go out. Some of us fear the unknown and because of this we refuse to go out and put ourselves out there. This fear is completely valid as for many of us the thought of going out isn’t easy. Our health challenges add pressure to our outings. Sometimes we plan things out and our condition may cause everything to go south and not work out. 

Fear of the unknown

For instance many of us may require medical treatment or simple things such as finding handicap accessible bathrooms during our outing and many times it is hard to find these which can lead to frustrating situations. These experiences lead to a dislike for going out and causes us to miss out on what could be a great time. 

I personally enjoy going out to social events and going on adventures with my friends and family. It is not easy to do many times, but the memories I’ve made are priceless. Sometimes things don’t go my way. I experience things I would’ve rather have avoided, but in the end it’s all worth it.

As someone with a disability I can say with certainty that engaging in social events, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and being around many people and trying to live my life as though I have no disability has been a vital part in my recovery and my overall happiness. 

I personally cannot complain because the Lord has been very gracious to me in my life and throughout all of my struggles. I am very blessed and I only wish that more people would allow God in their lives so that they, too, can receive the blessings that God can give.

Every day I am reminded that although I am bound to a bed or my wheelchair, it is up to me to decide whether I will let that bring me down or lift me up. I know that I am physically limited and have various medical problems that prevent me from having that “perfect life”. Despite my disability and my difficulties I am alive and well. There is nothing more I can ask for.

I know that there are many people out there who feel extremely overwhelmed with their disability or personal experiences and struggles and that’s why I want to share this with you.

Life can get tough so let the Lord be your guide

Life can be tough. Sometimes you may want to quit. You may feel like the pain you are feeling is intolerable and you just want to put an end to it. I get it, you just want some relief. When I would feel something similar I would seek help. I am not just talking about help or support from family or friends. I’m talking about help from God. I was once in a coma-like state in which I couldn’t ask for outside help. I was confined to my thoughts with no way out and that is when I allowed God into my life fully and because of that I found everything I needed to fight for my life and overcome adversity.

I am very aware of how difficult life with disabilities can be. Anxiety and depression can be our worst enemy at times. I have experienced anxiety and know how easy it is to fall into that darkness and how hard it is to come out of it. I have been very blessed to have people around me who keep me away from falling into that awful state of mind. Throughout my journey as a person with disabilities I have become stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually with the help of the lord. 

Everyone has a unique story and struggle

I don’t presume to know what you might be going through or how you might be feeling. Every single person has different struggles and life stories, but we all yearn for something similar. We want to feel better and achieve our own individual goals and dreams. We all just want to be happy and want to feel great. 

You are the author of your own story

I became a quadriplegic at the young age of 14 and that was definitely life changing and devastating at the time, but I told myself that I would not let my disability define who I would be. I experienced countless health problems, but I did not let that stop me.

I am Enough exactly how I am, and so are you!

Don’t let your current circumstances bring you down. If you are struggling, know that you are not alone and that it will get better. I can’t tell you when or how, but I can assure you that by not giving up you are an inspiration to millions of people. God gives the toughest battles to his bravest soldiers. Whenever you feel trapped in a world of darkness try and find the light in that situation. You may think that there is none, but believe me, there is. 

The mind is powerful, it’s up to you how you want to perceive life.