Expectation vs reality

In today’s society it is very rare to find someone who is 100 percent content with who they are and how they are perceived by others. Today’s culture makes it very difficult for someone to feel like they’re good enough. Social media plays a big role in this because the portrayal of how we should look is unachievable . Due to technology such as photoshop and filters we no longer accept ourselves for how we actually look. Instead we spend our time trying to achieve perfection that doesn’t exist. What we see on instagram a lot of the time is not real. 

I talk about this because at the beginning of my teenage years that insecure person was me. I spent so much time and energy focused on my appearance and what others thought of me. That I lost sight of what really mattered. It was even more difficult because all my life I have been taller and thinner than everyone else so that caused me to be even more insecure. I didn’t want to be different, I just wanted to fit in. 

I Am Enough!

Trying to reach society’s standards is not only unrealistic but also very damaging to my well being. I had a difficult time because I felt like I didn’t fit in. It wasn’t until High School that my confidence finally broke through and I learned to embrace what I thought made me different. I found that those who truly cared about me liked me for me. I realized that my value as a human being is measured by my character and by how I choose to treat others.

After my surgery, my perception of that changed even more. Having a disability made me look at things differently. I now had so many things that set me apart from the rest. I learned to embrace what made me different. I now understood. Why strive to fit in when you can stand out. I used to hide what made me insecure, now I don’t because I’ve learned to accept myself flaws and all. It is very liberating to not have to meet any standards. God made me this way and God never makes mistakes.

Self Worth

I also learned that we have to value ourselves and others based on how we are as human beings. We have to look past the superficial and realize that what truly matters is how we treat others and what we are doing to make our lives and the life of others better. The most important thing about someone is what they hold in their heart as cliche as that might sound. The only thing people will remember about us when we die is the good things we did while alive and how we made them feel. What matters is the impact and the footprint we left behind. I guarantee that no one will remember nor care about the rest.

With that said accepting yourself can be difficult, but very rewarding at the same time. Stop trying to fit in or be like someone else. Aim to be the best person you can be and strive to help others because ultimately what people really care about is you as a person and the impact you have in their life. Looks fade over time. Memories made and feelings felt never will.

For 14 years of my life I was never like everyone else around me because of my health condition. I had to learn to accept myself as I was and that I did! So when I had my surgery that led to my disability I was already used to being different. The stares or the treatment I received from others didn’t really bother me. Having said that, it was still a very difficult and life changing situation.

It’s Better To Stand Out Then to fit In

Being 14 years old and going through something so life changing was hard, but I found that the first thing I had to do before anything else was to accept what had happened to me. Denial is the enemy of recovery and progress. I knew that since the beginning, so I accepted God’s will and decided to take on every obstacle that came my way. Every battle I went through and won was one step closer to winning the war. In other words every step continues to lead me to recovery.

In my short life I have gone through a lot of grief, loss, and hurt and I have found that acceptance is vital to recovery, success, and overall a happy life. It’s one of the most challenging things to do, but you cannot move forward in life until you’ve accepted yourself and the situation you’re in. For me it has been accepting my disability and being okay with everything that comes with it. We are all perfectly imperfect and we should love, accept, and celebrate that every chance we get.