My journey to recovery

As humans we all face challenges and go through things that are difficult as that is a part of life. What many people don’t realize is that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dim it might seem at that moment. My greatest challenge and my lowest point in my life came at a young age when I became severely ill and was stripped away from what made me a functional human being as a result of a spinal cord injury. I never lost sight of the possibilities around me and knew that I would do everything in my power to regain what I had lost no matter how big or small the obstacle may seem.

 My Recovery As a Teen

Losing my mobility was very difficult for me for many reasons because it meant that my independence was gone. I could no longer have the teenage experience that all my friends would have. I had to trade going out with my friends with going to doctors appointments. I was physically unable to take part in any activity that would slightly resemble a “normal” teenagers life. I look back on that now and of course I wish I could’ve enjoyed that time of my life more, but at  the same time I don’t regret going through the bad times and missing out on the rest because if it weren’t for that I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

Having said that, being a teenager and having to depend on someone for everything was tough. For 14 years of my life I was able to do everything on my own so losing that was incredibly frustrating.That yearning for independence again gave me the will power to overcome the obstacles that we’re holding me back from my journey to recovery .My road to recovery started right after I was discharged from the hospital roughly 7 years ago and continues to this day. It has been life changing experience full of highs and lows. Many happy moments and a lot of sad ones as well, but very gratifying and well worth it.

Taking my life back 

Right after my life changing surgery I had to options in my life, I could give up and feel sorry for myself for the rest of my life or work hard every day to take back what I had lost. I chose the second option.Thankfully I had my faith in God that gave me the strength I needed to push through all the pain, the frustration, and the feeling of incompetence that comes wirh rehabilitation. I also had the most supportive family by my side who gave me the love and support I needed to get through each and every day. My medical team was amazing. The care I received from the nurses and doctors was extremely vital to my recovery. It took an army of people by my side every day and I owe much of my recovery to them.

Going through rehabilitation 

  My experience with rehab and therapy has been such an important part of my life. I have been able to achieve what some people thought impossible. I have tested myself both physically and emotionally and have only grown and progressed for the better. It has truly been life changing for both my family and I. The road to recovery has been a long one because in a way I was reborn and having to learn how to do everything again not as a baby, but as a teenager is significantly more challenging. Now I had to deal with the frustration and the pressure of feeling like I was failing each time my body didn’t move in the way I wanted it to move. Or when I wasn’t progressing as fast as I wanted to.

 Recovery at Levine Childrens Hospital 

   I had to retrain my brain and my body how to function all over again, just like a baby has to after they’re born. The only difference was that i was not in good health and my neurological system was damaged which made for a slower and more difficult recovery. Thankfully I had the privilege of being accepted into Levine Childrens rehab center where I received the best therapy and care from the most amazing Therapists and healthcare team.

Being there for about four months and receiving amazing therapy back to back every day made my recovery so successful. I was doing unimaginable thing’s every single day. I would either achieve goals or get closer to achieving new goals each and every day. Not only was I succeeding in achieving my goals, but I was also enjoying my time there which made me feel like I was home even though I wasn’t home. The team there at the rehab hospital were very good at their job and helped me achieve many of my goals, but they also knew how to have a good time. Not a day went by where I didn’t enjoy my therapy sessions. They somehow managed to incorporate fun into Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapy. I believe that to be a big part of my successful recovery.

     Thst atmosphere allowed me to thrive and meet the goals I had set for myself. That was my home for four months and having great people around me helping me and genuinely caring for my success meant the world to me. I spent very important moments while in that rehab center like Thanksgiving, Christmas and every holiday in between and on every special occasion they had some thing planned for me and the patients within my unit. They made those days special for us. It helped us not feel homesick and made an environment in which we felt happy. I will forever be indebted to each person that contributed to the success of my recovery.

This is me and the Carolina Panthers on the week of halloween at Levine rehab hospital.

 Defying the impossible 

I went into that clinic without the ability to do anything and when I came out four months later I was able to do things that I never thought possible. I was stronger physically and mentally. I had been told by professionals that I would never be able to move again, that I wouldn’t be able to speak or eat and yes I proved them wrong. When I was discharged from the rehab center I could speak, eat, and move my body. I was a whole different person. After those amazing four months 7 years ago I have continued my recovery at home with therapists and family who help me continue to meet my goals. Today I am stronger and cannot be more proud of the progress made throughout the years. It has been a long time but God‘s timing is perfect and I will reach my goal of walking again when the time is right. Not a day goes by that I don’t appreciate how far I’ve come and I know that soon my dream will be fulfilled . If I’ve learned something from my journey to recovery, it is that so long as you are willing to meet your goals and you have faith in God and know that he is right there holding your hand as you go through each and every step in your everyday life.

This is me standing…Proving that with God in your life Nothing is impossible.