My faith and purpose

My relationship with God

In my life I have been so lucky as to have been raised in a catholic household where God is the center of our lives. I have grown up going to church and have been taught the values of what truly matters in life which to me is my faith, my family, and what positive impact I’m leaving behind. My faith and my relationship with God is what drives me to be the best person I can possibly be. As I have grown I have learned something extremely important when it comes to God Knowing of God and actually allowing him into your life are two completely different things. Ever since I can remember I have always believed in God and have followed what I thought to be correct, but it wasn’t until my surgery that I truly started to form a relationship with God and can confidently say how life changing that was for me. Forming a relationship with God felt like the haze that once covered my eyes was gone and I could finally see clearly.

Faith can overcome anything

I now saw how beautiful the world around me was despite the negative things going on around me. My perception of life was different, When others felt fear I felt peace, when others felt like giving up I had hope. When others saw darkness I saw the light in every situation. How I viewed life had changed because I let Jesus into my life. From then on everything I did was with Jesus by my side. When I felt hopeless he gave me the strength I needed to keep pushing through and that strength is what allowed me to get better and thrive in therapy and also gave me the security I needed to know that I was going to recover from what had happened to me. After my surgery when I regained consciousness and saw all that I had lost I was at my lowest physically, but because of my faith I knew that somehow I would be okay. Not only would I recover, but I would come out stronger on the other side. 

For the past 7 years my life has been full of uncertainty and constant change, but among all of that I learned to hold on to my faith and my family because those were two constants that would neither let me down or abandon me.When change was so inevitable I found that with God I would be okay no matter what could be thrown my way. Many people want to believe in God, but they want to see evidence that God does exist. I want my story and so many stories like mine to hopefully help you overcome what you may be going through and get you one step closer to Jesus.

I was once told that scientifically I shouldn’t be alive yet 7 years later here I am living an amazing life that I wouldn’t change for anything. Ultimately everything good that happened to me after my surgery is because of my faith in God. He has blessed me and my family with so much. I have been witness to his miracles being that he gave me a second chance to live and has allowed me to be a vessel to help others find their way to him and show that with a little bit of faith and God in your life nothing is impossible.

You are not alone

My story is only one example of overcoming hardship. There are millions of people of all ages who struggle with some sort of physical or mental difficulty and find themselves trapped and/or overwhelmed and feel as though there is no way out. In my experience God’s who got me out of those dark times and gave me what I needed to overcome whatever obstacle I was facing. At times it was difficult, but in the midst of those tough times I learned valuable lessons that have taught me great things and have ultimately made my perception of life a lot brighter in a positive sense.

So even though you might feel like the world is falling apart, know that better days lie ahead and what you are dealing with right now will only make you stronger. God gives the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers. What I have experienced in my life is that with every obstacle has come with a lesson learned that has strengthened me. My journey has been anything but easy, but my faith allowed me to push through and has made these last 7 years a lot easier. God has been the source of my strength and my guiding light so if you are struggling right now open your heart and allow him to be the same for you and remember to never lose hope.


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