Why a positive mindset is important

Have you wondered why and how some people are more successful than others ? Why they might be happier than you despite how much effort you put into finding that for yourself. Some may say it’s luck, but I believe otherwise. A positive mindset can change your life for the better.

What does success mean to you?

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It is up to you to have a positive mindset

The reason why others find success and happiness is because they have figured out what success and happiness means to them personally. Those that do achieve success is due to a positive mindset, attitude, and perspective on their life. Those three attributes are the recipe for a great life.

In life we all share a common goal, or at least I hope we do. We want to be happy and successful. When I talk about success I talk about all types of success. There are many ways to be successful, but in my life this is what success means to me.

My perspective on a positive mindset

Success for me is defined by the things that make me happy and in return makes others happy as well. For example, I am unable to walk and have many physical limitations that set me apart from others yet I’m the happiest I have ever been in my life. Yes I wish I could do the things I used to be able to, but unfortunately I can’t.

However, I am alive and I have an amazing family who I would do anything for. I am reasonably healthy so what else can I ask for? I have the most important things I need to be happy. If I waited for my life to be perfect to be happy, I would die before I had the chance to live it.,

Everyone’s life is different and we are all going to encounter difficulties, but we have to choose to be happy with what we’ve got because although we might not see it we are all extremely blessed in our own way.

How my mindset has changed my life for the better

I am only 22 years old and already I have gone through extremely difficult times and have experienced a lot of pain both physically and mentally. I’ve had to overcome enormous obstacles that might seem impossible to others. For me those obstacles were a pivotal  part of my journey to recovery and personal growth.

The first time I was faced with adversity and felt like my world was falling apart was 8 years ago after losing so much after  my spinal cord injury. At that point you could say I had lost everything. I had become paralyzed from head to toe. I was connected to life support because my body could no longer function on its own. I was in a vegetative state which meant that I couldn’t show any physical expression. 

Although I was really ill physically I did however gain my consciousness back. At that time nobody knew that I was conscious besides me, but that was enough for me. I didn’t see myself as a lost cause. I saw myself as a puzzle that needed to be put back together.. I knew it wouldn’t be easy and that it would take time, but I had the drive to fight and all the time in the world to do so. I decided to take on every challenge that lay ahead and slowly put my life back together piece by piece just like I would with a puzzle.

It is your choice

Since the first day, I have made sure to have a positive outlook on life no matter how difficult things get. That mentality created a ripple effect of positive things. The more positive I was, the more I accomplished. They say that whatever you put out into the world is what you will receive in return.

Life can be difficult for all of us no matter your race, gender, or age. Tragedy doesn’t discriminate. We may not be able to control what happens to us. Nor can we avoid the problems that creep up on all of us, but we can control how we respond to those issues that afflict us.

We all tend to run away from our problems instead of facing them head on. I have found that to be more painful and damaging to our well being because the more we run away from our problems, the more they hurt when our problems inevitably catch up to us.

I didn’t realize this until I had lived through this myself. Like I mentioned before, life hasn’t been easy for me, but because I chose to embrace my new life and the difficulties that came with it I was able to thrive and become stronger than I’ve ever been before.

I chose to fight and turn my weaknesses into my strengths. I am a man of faith and that has led me to do amazing things with my recovery and has given me a new perspective of life. God made each and everyone of us special in our own way and we should appreciate and love ourselves just the way we are.

My advice to you

We should stop dwelling on our past or worrying about our future. Let’s live in the present and cherish every moment that we are alive. Life is short and can be taken away in a matter of seconds 

Yes life can be difficult, but let’s be thankful for what we have and are able to do instead of complaining about what we don’t have and are unable to do. Remember that there will always be someone who has it worse than you. A good friend once told me, “ I used to cry because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”.

Life is what you make you make of it. If you find yourself going through something difficult. Or if nothing seems to be going your way try looking at your life through another lens. Sometimes you’ll find that a change in perspective can give you a whole different appreciation of life and you’ll realize that your life isn’t that bad after all.

There will always be bumps in the road and you’ll have to deal with problems that might feel extremely heavy, but just know that you are strong enough to get through them. There is always a rainbow after every storm. You just have to believe that. Our mentality can make or break us so let’s choose to be positive. Positivity leads to happiness and happiness leads to success and vice versa.